Current local time in MMT, Myanmar Time


Tuesday, February 25, 2025 (MMT) UTC+06:30

Abbreviation / Name:
MMT - Myanmar Time
UTC / GMT Offset:
+06:30 hours during Myanmar Time, currently in use.
Daylight Saving Time:
There are no future Daylight Saving Time rules for this time zone.

Myanmar Time Information

Are you planning a trip or online meeting to Myanmar Time? Just confirming the current local time? Myanmar Time is +06:30 ahead of Coordinated Universal Time standard, written as an offset of UTC +06:30. Myanmar Time does not follow daylight saving time now. The Myanmar Time Converter helps you to convert Myanmar Time to local time in other time zones.

Time Difference to major World Cities

Los Angeles -15:30 hours
Mexico City -13:30 hours
Singapore +1:30 hours
New York -12:30 hours
São Paulo -10:30 hours
London -7:30 hours
Shanghai +1:30 hours
Paris -6:30 hours
Mumbai -1 hours
Tokyo +2:30 hours
Sydney +4:30 hours
Moscow -4:30 hours

Other Time Zones in UTC +06:30