Current local time in Port-au-Prince, Haiti


Wednesday, February 5, 2025 (EST) UTC-05:00

Sun: ↑ 06:21 ↓ 17:45 (11 h 24 m)

Abbreviation / Name:
EST - Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5)
EDT- Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-5)
UTC / GMT Offset:
-05:00 hours during Eastern Standard Time, currently in use.
Daylight Saving Time:
Daylight saving time 2025 in Port-au-Prince begins at March 9 at 07:00 AM, Set your clock forward 1 hour. It ends at November 2 at 06:00 AM, Set your clock back 1 hour.

Port-au-Prince Information

Are you planning a trip or online meeting to Port-au-Prince? Just confirming the current local time? Port-au-Prince is a city in Haiti with a population of 1234740 people. The Gourde is the official currency, The international dialing codes is 509, that lies in Longitude 18.5435 and Latitude -72.3388. Port-au-Prince follows Eastern Standard Time with an UTC offset of UTC -05:00. Port-au-Prince does not follow daylight saving time. The Port-au-Prince Time Zone Converter helps you to convert Port-au-Prince time to local time in other time zones.

Port-au-Prince On The Map

Time Difference to major World Cities

Los Angeles -3 hours
Mexico City -1 hours
Singapore +13 hours
New York +0:00 hours
São Paulo +2 hours
London +5 hours
Shanghai +13 hours
Paris +6 hours
Mumbai +10:30 hours
Tokyo +14 hours
Sydney +16 hours
Moscow +8 hours

Large Cities and Nearby Cities